Infant and Toddler Oral Health

Dr. Amanda and the Team at Sprout Pediatric Dentistry love treating kids of all ages—newborns, babies, and toddlers included. Working with children from super young ages gives pediatric dentists complete control over how a smile develops. 

Parents think that kids with two or three erupted teeth are too young to see a dentist; however, at Sprout, we will tell you that that is a perfect time for Dr. Amanda to start taking a look. Believe it or not, pediatric dentists recommend that babies have their first visit as soon as six months after their first tooth appears! 

Here are the benefits of baby visits at Sprout Pediatric: 

  • Early start to preventative care.
  • The child gets used to visiting the dentist and sitting in the dental chair.
  • Parents get vital information on early tooth care and diet tips.
  • Dr. Amanda spots development issues before they become a problem.