Natural and Biological Alternatives

At Sprout, we strive to offer options outside of conventional dentistry. Natural and biological pediatric dentistry provides a whole-body approach to dental wellness and development. These practices focus on examining the root cause of any oral conditions and developing individualized plans for care.

Natural and biological approaches look beyond poor dental hygiene practices as the only cause of oral health problems. During your child’s appointment, questions will be asked about the diet, sleep, and lifestyle habits that will better help to diagnose and treat your child.   

Dr. Amanda is dedicated to helping children develop healthy habits so that they can experience life to the fullest with a healthy body and a vibrant smile. We take pride in educating our patients and their parents on the critical relationship between oral health and overall health.

Silver Diamine Fluoride

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is an FDA-approved liquid applied topically to your child’s teeth. Not only does it protect against the damaging effects of tooth decay, but it can stop cavities from worsening.

SDF is a non-invasive treatment option applied directly to the tooth, and it can effectively kill harmful cavity-causing bacteria while also hardening tooth enamel. It serves as a conservative, non-surgical method of treatment to stop cavity growth until a more permanent restoration can be put into place. Your child can benefit significantly from SDF because of its ability to preserve healthy tooth enamel while arresting any decay that is currently present and preventing the lesion from progressing and injuring the tooth’s nerve (the pulp).

Whether SDF can prevent caries or not depends on how long a cavity has developed and how large it is. If surgical treatment is still needed, prior application of the SDF will make the procedure less invasive.


Sprout is a mercury-free practice. We offer biocompatible restorative materials, including zirconia crowns. 

Digital X Rays

Radiation is present in our everyday environment, from the sun to the personal electronic devices we carry, such as cell phones. We understand parents’ concerns about exposure to radiation, which is why we adhere to the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle regarding radiographs. We only use digital radiography sensors, which minimizes the amount of radiation necessary to negligible amounts. The amount of radiation from a set of dental radiographs can even be lower than the average daily dose of radiation from everyday life.